Nothing like having an unusually busy day at work, feeling like my brain is being pulled into 15 directions, and our neighbors decide to fire up their 2 gas-powered leaf blowers. My brain feels like it’s going to explode. I just had to go find headphones and block out the noise so I don’t go mad.
So anyway, the last week has been tiresome. Work has been nuts in general and I don’t know why.
Last Monday we had dinner for Cath’s birthday!

I didn’t do any sewing or anything last week. Played star wars lego. Thursday night we picked up Kevin and went to the grocery to get some snacks for the weekend.

Friday we had a dinner/movie night with Kev. Memphis Pizza Cafe and Quantumania!

I really liked Quantumania. I don’t get where people are coming from saying it was awful. it wasn’t the best but far from the worst, It was genuinely funny, I loved all the quantum realm denizens and designs. I want Janet’s poncho and boots look. Excited for what’s next.
there is no superhero fatigue in this house. The 15 year old comics nut in me is still reveling in all this great content.
(Also the teens in front of us like… got into a fight or something twice during the movie? Like wtf is going on with people in theaters lately. The first time I thought somebody had had a seizure or something and I wasn’t the only one, another audience member got up and went and asked if they were ok. but it was just teens being weird.)
Saturday I did make myself go up and finish up wedding Leia. It’s come down to all of the little finishing things that I hate doing and really have to force myself to do. (It’s why I have so many older costumes that have a safety pin closure on the waistband… haha)
I tacked the lining and outer layer together at the skirt slit, finally cut apart the piece of ribbon for the belt, got it sewn in place on the waist cincher and snaps for closure on the front. Painted some little beads and threaded them through the bottom of the ribbons.
Also added velcro to the boots for the fur to attach to. dumped the idea of making the wrap/side panels for the boots, the fabric didn’t look right. Calling them done as is.

Now I just need t get my wig ordered and decorated.
Saturday night Kev and I played star wars lego all night while Chase was off photographing a play.
Sunday I let myself move onto the star trek skant. I decided I wanted to test dyeing it. This did not go well.

Basically I feel like this velour i got is a tad too warm. I thought, it’s cotton, why couldn’t I just throw it in the lightest bath of blue dye to neutralize the warmth a little bit? I did 3 test swatches and they all turned out AWFUL. Look how splotchy they are. This was with the swatches fully soaked before going in the dye and only like 2 drops of dye fully stirred into the water for the one on the left. the one on the right was the first one and I had a little more dye in it – cut it down and still super uneven and splotchy.
So I gave up on that idea. It’s not worth the trouble just for the like 5% tone shift I wanted to get.
I got out the pattern I took apart and remade in 2020 and looked it all over and refamiliarized myself with it. Also got out my old mock-up:

I did this mock-up out of some scrap wetlook gold spandex so it’s definitely not the right look but damn is the colour great.

Looking over everything. couldn’t figure out why one of the front pattern pieces didn’t fit right – then realized it was because I wrote the notes on the wrong side of it. Flipping it over it fit fine LOL
See how my velour has so much more red/warm tones in it than the spandex mock-up? That’s what I was trying to kill, but I’m overthinking this. This is supposed to be a fun project.
But while I was going through all this I think I MAY have figured out why the dye wasn’t taking evenly. I was thinking my mock-up is spandex, this velour is cotton and it’s not going to stretch much, I may need to do another mock-up. Then I grabbed the velour and tested the stretch – it’s got WAY more stretch to it than a 100% cotton fabric should have. Went back and checked the site and yeah, it’s only 80% cotton and 20% poly. Pretty sure that’s why the dye went so weird.
But I am glad it has a decent amount of stretch. Will make making this easier.
Now I’m just waiting on my undergarments to arrive. They shipped last Monday. Hoping they turn up this week so I can work on this this weekend.
And now something I haven’t done in FOREVER – a tiktok rant.
I posted 2 videos yesterday. I couldn’t decide which ending I wanted to do for this specific video concept, so I did both and posted them together. Well one did better than anything I’ve posted since 2021. The other did meh.
And I’m reminded why I don’t actually want things to really “go viral” anymore. I’m ok with 1000 views and it mostly being my circle of friends/followers/similar people. This one went way beyond my circle of people and… lord. The amount of people not getting the joke. Taking the joke too seriously. Or just being outright rude. It’s so freaking ridiculous. Why do people think it’s ok to say things like that?
Before I went to bed I turned the comments off, since I wouldn’t be able to monitor. And that finally sent people over to the OTHER video to comment, and one person actually apologized for taking the joke too seriously, so that was nice at least. It’s died down this morning thankfully.
(I also guess I should’ve known better than to poke the Star trek/Star Wars bear)
speaking of Star Trek, watched first ep of Picard season 3 and loved it. I need them to do a full season dump at once, I don’t want to wait a week!!